-@app.route('/ei/<path:subpath>', methods=['POST'])
-def ei_routes(subpath):
- print("REQ: /ei/" + subpath)
- if subpath == "daily_gift_info":
- DateInfo = ( - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))
- GiftResponse = EIProto.DailyGiftInfo()
- GiftResponse.current_day = DateInfo.days
- GiftResponse.seconds_to_next_day = 86400 - DateInfo.seconds
- return base64.b64encode(GiftResponse.SerializeToString())
+# /ei/ routes
+@app.route('/ei/first_contact', methods=['POST'])
+def ei_first_contact():
data = base64.b64decode(request.form["data"].replace(" ", "+"))
- if subpath == "first_contact":
- ContactReq = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactRequest()
- ContactReq.ParseFromString(data)
- ContactResp = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactResponse()
- Backups = db_store.get_backups(ContactReq.user_id)
- if len(Backups) > 0:
- # Lets process backups - check for any forced ones first
- now =
- cleanup_ids = []
- for backup in Backups:
- if backup[2] == True:
- # Force backup found - lets serialize the payload
- SaveBackup = EIProto.Backup()
- try:
- SaveBackup.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(zlib.decompress(backup[3])))
- SaveBackup.force_backup = True
- SaveBackup.force_offer_backup = True
- ContactResp.backup.CopyFrom(SaveBackup)
- db_store.update_backup(backup[0], backup[3], False)
- break
- except:
- print("Failed to force serve backup - perhaps some logic error?")
- break
- else:
- then = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(backup[1])
- if (now - then).days > 1:
- cleanup_ids.append(backup[0])
- if len(cleanup_ids) > 0:
- db_store.cleanup_backups(cleanup_ids)
- # TODO: Check for soul eggs/eggs of prophecy and determine algorithm for "is it worth offering?"
- elif ContactReq.user_id in upgrade_cache:
- print("Found an unupgraded save - lets upgrade the permit level to Pro")
- ContactResp.backup.CopyFrom(cache[ContactReq.user_id])
- del upgrade_cache[ContactReq.user_id]
- return base64.b64encode(ContactResp.SerializeToString())
- elif subpath == "save_backup":
- SaveBackup = EIProto.Backup()
- SaveBackup.ParseFromString(bytes(data))
- #print(SaveBackup)
- if == 0:
- = 1
- SaveBackup.force_backup = True
- SaveBackup.force_offer_backup = True
- upgrade_cache[SaveBackup.user_id] = SaveBackup
- else:
- # start storing backups after permit upgrades
- db_store.add_backup(SaveBackup.user_id, base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(SaveBackup.SerializeToString())))
- elif subpath == "get_periodicals":
- PeriodicalResp = EIProto.PeriodicalsResponse()
- for evt in events.get_active_events():
- e =
- e.CopyFrom(evt)
- for contract in contracts.get_active_contracts():
- c = PeriodicalResp.contracts.contracts.add()
- c.CopyFrom(contract)
- return base64.b64encode(PeriodicalResp.SerializeToString())
+ ContactReq = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactRequest()
+ ContactReq.ParseFromString(data)
+ ContactResp = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactResponse()
+ Backups = db_store.get_backups(ContactReq.user_id)
+ if len(Backups) > 0:
+ # Lets process backups - check for any forced ones first
+ now =
+ cleanup_ids = []
+ for backup in Backups:
+ if backup[2] == True:
+ # Force backup found - lets serialize the payload
+ SaveBackup = EIProto.Backup()
+ try:
+ SaveBackup.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(zlib.decompress(backup[3])))
+ SaveBackup.force_backup = True
+ SaveBackup.force_offer_backup = True
+ ContactResp.backup.CopyFrom(SaveBackup)
+ db_store.update_backup(backup[0], backup[3], False)
+ break
+ except:
+ print("Failed to force serve backup - perhaps some logic error?")
+ break
+ else:
+ then = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(backup[1])
+ if (now - then).days > 1:
+ cleanup_ids.append(backup[0])
+ if len(cleanup_ids) > 0:
+ db_store.cleanup_backups(cleanup_ids)
+ # TODO: Check for soul eggs/eggs of prophecy and determine algorithm for "is it worth offering?"
+ elif ContactReq.user_id in upgrade_cache:
+ print("Found an unupgraded save - lets upgrade the permit level to Pro")
+ ContactResp.backup.CopyFrom(cache[ContactReq.user_id])
+ del upgrade_cache[ContactReq.user_id]
+ return base64.b64encode(ContactResp.SerializeToString())
+@app.route('/ei/save_backup', methods=['POST'])
+def ei_save_backup():
+ data = base64.b64decode(request.form["data"].replace(" ", "+"))
+ SaveBackup = EIProto.Backup()
+ SaveBackup.ParseFromString(bytes(data))
+ #print(SaveBackup)
+ if == 0:
+ = 1
+ SaveBackup.force_backup = True
+ SaveBackup.force_offer_backup = True
+ upgrade_cache[SaveBackup.user_id] = SaveBackup
- print("DATA", base64.b64encode(data))
+ # start storing backups after permit upgrades
+ db_store.add_backup(SaveBackup.user_id, base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(SaveBackup.SerializeToString())))
return ""
+@app.route('/ei/daily_gift_info', methods=['POST'])
+def ei_daily_gift_info():
+ DateInfo = ( - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))
+ GiftResponse = EIProto.DailyGiftInfo()
+ GiftResponse.current_day = DateInfo.days
+ GiftResponse.seconds_to_next_day = 86400 - DateInfo.seconds
+ return base64.b64encode(GiftResponse.SerializeToString())
+@app.route('/ei/get_periodicals', methods=['POST'])
+def ei_periodicals_request():
+ PeriodicalResp = EIProto.PeriodicalsResponse()
+ PeriodicalResp.contracts.warning_message = "Welcome to reEgg Server Emulator\nLeggacy contracts available every Monday/Friday"
+ for evt in events.get_active_events():
+ e =
+ e.CopyFrom(evt)
+ for contract in contracts.get_active_contracts():
+ c = PeriodicalResp.contracts.contracts.add()
+ c.CopyFrom(contract)
+ return base64.b64encode(PeriodicalResp.SerializeToString())
+@app.route('/ei/<path:subpath>', methods=['POST'])
+def ei_unidentified_routes(subpath):
+ print("UNIMPLEMENTED REQ: /ei/" + subpath)
+ if not request.form or "data" not in request.form:
+ print("No data included in request")
+ return "", 404
+ data = base64.b64decode(request.form["data"].replace(" ", "+"))
+ print("DATA", base64.b64encode(data))
+ return "", 404
+# /ei_data/ routes
@app.route('/ei_data/<path:subpath>', methods=['POST'])
def ei_data_rotues(subpath):
print("REQ /ei_data/" + subpath)
return ""
+# /ei_ps/ routes (custom)
# TODO: ratelimit this
@app.route('/ei_ps/<userid>/<method>', methods=['POST'])
def ei_ps_routes(userid, method):
import ei_pb2 as EIProto
import json
import time
+import math
+# TODO: Co-op contracts, toggle this off when we have them
# Keep a cache of all contracts
contract_epoch = int(time.time())
time_since_epoch = time.time() - contract_epoch
i = 0
for contract in global_contract_db["legacy"]:
- # Leggacy ones are active for a week, one per week
+ # Leggacy ones are active for a week, twice per week
i += 1
- expiry_time = (604800 * i) - time_since_epoch
+ expiry_time = (604800 * math.ceil(i / 2)) + (345600 if not i % 2 else 0) - time_since_epoch
# It's expired, get the next one
if expiry_time < 0:
contract.minutes_per_token = obj["token_interval"]
contract.length_seconds = obj["duration"]
contract.coop_allowed = False
+ scaler = 1.0
+ if ALL_SOLO_CONTRACTS and "coop_members" in obj:
+ # Not all contracts are made equal. If we divide it at an absolute, it becomes too easy
+ # Still need to pinpoint the ratio based on experience.
+ scale_factor = obj["coop_members"] * 0.35
+ if scale_factor > 1.0:
+ scaler = 1.0 / scale_factor
for goal_set_src in obj["goalsets"]:
goal_set = contract.goal_sets.add()
for goal_src in goal_set_src:
goal = goal_set.goals.add()
goal.type = EIProto.GoalType.EGGS_LAID
- goal.target_amount = goal_src["deliver"]
+ goal.target_amount = goal_src["deliver"] * scaler
goal.reward_type = EIProto.RewardType.Value(goal_src["reward_type"])
if goal.reward_type == EIProto.RewardType.BOOST:
goal.reward_sub_type = goal_src["reward_str"]