Clarify few parts in reEgg saga
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2title: "Reverse Engineering a Mobile App Protobuf API"
3date: 2024-05-11T12:00:00+03:00
4description: "In recent times more than ever, live service and overuse of APIs soon-to-be-stale is only increasing. This causes a lot of once-written software to become either unusable or handicapped in many regards. One way to fight this is to learn reverse engineering for sake of digital preservation. In this blog, I take you through a journey of reverse engineering a simple mobile game's protobuf API."
5tags: ['tutorial', 'reverse-engineering', 'opensource']
6type: blog
7draft: false
10# Why
11Why not? Digital preservation is important, even if you don't care for a specific program.
12This is also a good way to get started with protocol reverse engineering due to way protobuf
13is often left behind in source format within client applications.
15## The target
16In this series of blogposts, I will be using a mobile game "Egg, Inc." as the target for
17demonstration. It's a simple time killer app that got me through boring long waits when I was still at school.
19Egg, Inc. is a basic incremental "idler" game where your goal is to take over the world food supply with ever-increasing supply of eggs,
20if you have ever played Cookie Clicker, you know the premise of something like that. You have to unlock denser and denser eggs - the game
21is also designed around the fact that you can do certain online-tied activites such as Contracts to unlock more Soul Eggs (prestige boost) and
22"Eggs of Prophecy" which increase potency of your Soul Eggs.
24It's rather simple game with a very minimal API, making it perfect for learning. You may not like the game, but that's beside the point.
25The simplicity of our target matters here.
27## The existing works
28In some cases, you will find previous works on the target you pick. In my case, some clever people have created
29[scripts to extract .proto file out of the app.](
30I advise you to check it out if you wish to get a better understanding of how you would go about retrieving the
31API spec .proto file for your target.
33Further there are a few dedicated individuals in the game's community who have created numerous tools and historical databases.
35For this blog purposes, we will assume the game server is shut down (as in we cannot query from the live API) and our goal is
36to make a semi-functional selfhosted gameserver for our own needs, assuming we are the only one on said server.
38## How to source builds of a game
39There are two methods of sourcing the apk file here - one method is if you already have the app installed, install something like ZArchiver
40and extract it from /data/app/ - identifying the app by its icon. From there you will find `base.apk` which is enough for most apps.
42Alternatively, if the app is still available on Google Play, you can use an app like Aurora Store to go to the store detail page, select
43"Manual Download" and enter a known Build ID.
45## Getting Started
46Thanks to the previously mentioned script, it's easy to get started - find the APK, extract protobuf spec file, convert it with
47protoc and we're done there. One small problem - due to cheaters, latest version of the game includes "AuthenticatedMessage" structure,
48which contains a salted sha256sum of the payload message.
50At this point, after a bit of internal dilemma, I decided to not further the problem while service is still live for people playing and did the
51more morally sound decision of picking a version prior to these integrity checks. We can crack that another day as all the needed information
52is retained in the app itself.
54Going forward with this, we are targetting game version 1.12.13 (Build ID 111121 - use that in Aurora Store).
56With all that out of the way, lets get into actual commands used here:
58git clone
59cd EggIncProtoExtractor
60./ com.auxbrain.egginc_1.12.13.apk
61# We should have a new folder "protos" now with resulting files
62cd protos
63# There should be a file called ei.proto - that's our protobuf spec file
64# At this point, we can use the protoc utility which can convert the specfile
65# to interfaces in C++, C#, Java, Kotlin, Objective-C, PHP, Python and Ruby with
66# additional plugin support for Dart and Go.
67# To make this easier to understand, we will use Python in this demonstration
68protoc -I=. --python_out=. ./ei.proto
69# Success! We now have a "" file which can be directly imported to Python programs
72With the protobuf interface in Python created, we can now proceed with creating the API emulator - but there's a slight problem.
73What URL? What endpoints? How do we find this out? Simple answer, disassembling the game. Get your RE tool of choice, I will be
74using [Ghidra]( myself.
76(Note: You can also just try to find this out using tools such as WireShark)
78The game contains a linked-library written in C++, which you can find inside the .apk `lib` folder, named as ``.
79This is perfect for our use-case, Ghidra is going to slice through this like butter. Import the file to your RE tool of choice
80and let it perform some analysis on it, have a cup of tea or coffee as this is going to take a hot minute.
82Once that's done, we are going to start by looking at the defined strings - try our luck there. Search for any debug prints left
83behind or maybe some clues. I started by searching for `http`, which lead me to following string `"HTTP REQ: %d"`, seems promising.
84When I jumped to it, I saw an exactly adjacent string to it which could give more clues:
86 s_www.auxbrain.com_00c02b60 XREF[0,1]: FUN_00518ab8:00518b38(R)
87 00c02b5e 47 3f 77 ds "G?"
88 77 77 2e
89 61 75 78
90 s_HTTP_REQ:_%d_00c02b71 XREF[1]: makeRequestInternal:0067bbd4(*)
91 00c02b71 48 54 54 ds "HTTP REQ: %d"
92 50 20 52
93 45 51 3a
95Interesting, ``. If we jump to its XREF, we get a garbled function, but what it seems to be doing is setting up
96certain global values.
98## The smoke-test
100So we have a potential API endpoint, let's put it to the test. We're not going to recompile anything yet or do any byte-patching,
101let's try a quick smoke-test. Ensure your phone is rooted and you have a variant of Xposed Framework installed (I used LSPosed).
102We will need to unarm the SSL pinning present in most apps, including this one, I used [io.github.tehcneko.sslunpinning]( module.
103(NOTE: Users without root might want to skip to end of article where I showcase unpinning the app manually)
105Next, install [AdAway app from F-Droid]( so we can setup a redirection on any network we are on.
106Inside AdAway, add a redirection rule for the address we just found and point it to an IP address in your LAN that will run the API server.
108Generate a self-signed certificate authority and a certificate signed by it and run a webserver with both HTTP and HTTPS on the API server machine.
110# Create an ext file containing the Subject Alternative Name (SAN)
111# DNS.1 should correspond to the API endpoint of the app.
112# NOTE! If you are changing the API endpoint to a public domain, you can just use a public cert, no need for any of this.
113cat > auxbrain.ext << EOF
116keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
117subjectAltName = @alt_names
120DNS.1 =
123# Create your own Certificate Authority
124openssl genrsa -des3 -out myCA.key 2048
125openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myCA.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out myCA.pem
126# Create a CSR and lets have the new CA sign it
127openssl req -new -key auxbrain.key -out auxbrain.csr -nodes
128openssl x509 -req -in auxbrain.csr -CA myCA.pem -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out auxbrain.crt -days 825 -sha256 -extfile auxbrain.ext
129# You now have myCA.pem - the public certificate of your root CA, auxbrain.key - the private key for your webserver, auxbrain.pem - the public cert for your webserver.
132Use the generated `auxbrain.pem` and `auxbrain.key` files for your webserver SSL/TLS configuration. For nginx, append following values to your server directive:
134listen 443 ssl;
135ssl_certificate /path/to/auxbrain.pem;
136ssl_certificate_key /path/to/auxbrain.key;
137ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
138ssl_session_timeout 5m;
139ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
140ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
143Import the self-signed CA (myCA.pem) to your phone's truststore (Check under your phone's Security/Encryption settings). Once all of that is done, run the app for first time.
146192.168.1.212 - - [...] "POST /ei/first_contact HTTP/1.1" 404 0 "-"
149Bingo. We have contact and we have an API endpoint. Searching for "ei/" in the strings reveals a extensive list of API endpoints, we now have something
150to go off from. We have everything we need to start creating the server.
152## Implementing the Server - Getting first contact
153Next up, we create a new project - as we generated the protobuf definitions for Python, we will proceed accordingly.
154If you are following along, get respective packages for your operating system to create python venvs.
155As the protobufs are being sent over HTTP, we will be serving our application over flask which is being reverse proxied by nginx.
158# Lets stage the environment
159mkdir apiserver
160cd apiserver
161python -m venv .venv
162source .venv/bin/activate
164cp ~/EggIncProtoExtractor/protos/ei.proto .
166# Get some dependeices
167pip install protobuf
168pip install flask
171We now have the project set up for reading protobuf definitions and a framework to listen for HTTP and routes sent to it.
172Let's create an actual listener application, open with your favourite IDE or text editor.
175import ei_pb2 as EIProto
176from flask import Flask
177from flask import request
179@app.route("/ei/<path:subpath>", methods=["POST"])
180def ei_routes(subpath):
181 print("HTTP POST /ei/" + subpath)
182 print(request.headers)
183 return ""
186This should get the ball rolling, we will see whatever call comes in and we can see what the payload of each request contains.
187At this point you should setup the reverse proxy, override your nginx / directive with:
189location / {
190 proxy_pass;
194Reload your nginx and start the flask application you just created with `flask run`.
196Run the app again and have it phone home and see what it contains.
198HTTP POST /ei/first_contact
200Connection: close
201Content-Length: 37
202Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
203User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 13; M2012K11AG Build/TQ3A.230901.001)
204Accept-Encoding: gzip
207We can see there's a form payload attached to this request, let's modify our app route a bit:
209@app.route("/ei/<path:subpath>", methods=["POST"])
210def ei_routes(subpath):
211 print("HTTP POST /ei/" + subpath)
212 print(request.form)
213 return ""
216Now if we run the modified flask application again, we see following output on the first_contact endpoint.
218HTTP POST /ei/first_contact
219ImmutableMultiDict([('data', 'ChAzNTVlNDZlOTA4OWQxZTRjEAAYAg==')])
222We have a base64-encoded protobuf binary data - which isn't terribly useful for reading plain-text, since protobuf *is* a binary
223format, so we will need to figure out what protobuf message this payload belongs to.
225Remember that ei.proto file alongside the we got earlier? Lets go back there and inspect it a bit.
226We know we just contacted something called "first_contact", maybe there is something in that file that could help us?
229message EggIncFirstContactRequest {
230 optional string user_id = 1;
231 optional uint32 client_version = 2;
232 optional Platform platform = 3;
235message EggIncFirstContactResponse {
236 optional Backup backup = 1;
240Seems like the application is using message names in almost similar fashion to API endpoint names themselves. This will prove
241to be useful knowledge. We now know what the payload should be, lets put this to the test.
243Edit your app routine again
245# add "import base64" to top of the file
246@app.route("/ei/<path:subpath>", methods=["POST"])
247def ei_routes(subpath):
248 print("HTTP POST /ei/" + subpath)
249 if subpath == "first_contact":
250 # Create the protobuf object so we can load data from the b64 payload
251 FirstContact = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactRequest()
252 FirstContact.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"]))
253 print(FirstContact)
254 else:
255 print(request.form)
256 return ""
259We should now be able to see deserialized output when we run the flask application and the mobile app, let's try it out:
262HTTP POST /ei/first_contact
263user_id: "355e46e9089d1e4c"
264client_version: 0
265platform: DROID
268Nice! We now know how to identify which protobuf object corresponds to which API endpoint. We can now make an educated guess
269on what would come next.
271Seeing how we got `EggIncFirstContactRequest` and saw an adjacent `EggIncFirstContactResponse` message in the proto file, we
272can safely assume that this is what the game is expecting from us in return.
274Lets modify the server a bit to account for that.
277@app.route("/ei/<path:subpath>", methods=["POST"])
278def ei_routes(subpath):
279 print("HTTP POST /ei/" + subpath)
280 if subpath == "first_contact":
281 # Create the protobuf object so we can load data from the b64 payload
282 FirstContact = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactRequest()
283 FirstContact.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"]))
284 print("We got a first contact hello from user " + FirstContact.user_id)
285 # Lets respond with a FirstContactResponse
286 FirstContactResp = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactResponse()
287 # This takes only one optional argument - a Backup object - but we have no account
288 # system yet, so we will opt out of sending that for now.
289 # ---
290 # We send the payload back as a base64 string - the same way we retrieved it.
291 return base64.b64encode(FirstContactResp.SerializeToString())
292 else:
293 print(request.form)
294 return ""
297Now when we run the app again, we notice that we no longer get spammed this endpoint, but instead in its place we see a few new friends
299## Implementing the Server - New Friends
300Say hello to `/ei/save_backup` and `/ei/get_periodicals`. We can infer from the name, that save_backup would involve a Backup message
301and get_periodicals would involve a GetPeriodicalsRequest, both of which are defined fully in the proto spec file.
303Both of these are clogging up the flask application log periodically, we should check out what they are so we can have a sane log again.
306@app.route("/ei/<path:subpath>", methods=["POST"])
307def ei_routes(subpath):
308 print("HTTP POST /ei/" + subpath)
309 if subpath == "first_contact":
310 # Create the protobuf object so we can load data from the b64 payload
311 FirstContact = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactRequest()
312 FirstContact.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"]))
313 print("We got a first contact hello from user " + FirstContact.user_id)
314 # Lets respond with a FirstContactResponse
315 FirstContactResp = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactResponse()
316 # This takes only one optional argument - a Backup object - but we have no account
317 # system yet, so we will opt out of sending that for now.
318 # ---
319 # We send the payload back as a base64 string - the same way we retrieved it.
320 return base64.b64encode(FirstContactResp.SerializeToString())
321 elif subpath == "save_backup":
322 # NOTE: This took me way longer to realize than it should have, but the base64
323 # payload you receive from client is broken due to some Android bug, where it
324 # substitutes "+" symbols with a " " whitespace.
325 # I don't want you to waste half hour to hours figuring out why you're getting
326 # corrupted data, so you're welcome.
327 Backup = EIProto.Backup()
328 Backup.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"].replace(" ", "+"))
329 print(Backup)
330 elif subpath == "get_periodicals":
331 Periodicals = EIProto.GetPeriodicalsRequest()
332 Periodicals.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"])
333 print(Periodicals)
334 else:
335 print(request.form)
336 return ""
339We should now see what these payloads actually contain when deserialized (for your reading experience, I advise you to rather
340try this out yourself - the Backup structure is VERY large).
342Upon these payloads reaching the server, we see that a very much populated Backup message makes its way through and a relatively
343thin payload of PeriodicalsRequest comes through, which isn't very useful by itself.
345Now, this is why the game developer ended up creating forms of anticheat in future versions of this app - the Backup message contains
346your entire game state, which is often sent as a way to save your progress to cloud, but there is no actual sanity checking in place
347to ensure you're not progressing way too fast. Personally, I am of the mind that anticheat should be done on the server-side, not
348on the client-side, but I digress. We can use this to prove a very obvious vulnerability when using trust-client-always architecture.
350The game has an In App Purchase for "Pro Permit", which allows you to build more Silos, which in turn allow you to get offline
351rewards for a longer period of time. If we look at protobuf definition file, you can see under, a field called "permit_level",
352which by default is zero. Lets try to change that and present a modified Backup the next time user opens the game.
356cache = {}
358@app.route("/ei/<path:subpath>", methods=["POST"])
359def ei_routes(subpath):
360 print("HTTP POST /ei/" + subpath)
361 if subpath == "first_contact":
362 # Create the protobuf object so we can load data from the b64 payload
363 FirstContact = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactRequest()
364 FirstContact.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"]))
365 print("We got a first contact hello from user " + FirstContact.user_id)
366 # Lets respond with a FirstContactResponse
367 FirstContactResp = EIProto.EggIncFirstContactResponse()
368 if FirstContact.user_id in cache:
369 FirstContactResp.backup.CopyFrom(cache[FirstContact.user_id])
370 del cache[FirstContact.user_id]
371 return base64.b64encode(FirstContactResp.SerializeToString())
372 elif subpath == "save_backup":
373 # NOTE: This took me way longer to realize than it should have, but the base64
374 # payload you receive from client is broken due to some Android bug, where it
375 # substitutes "+" symbols with a " " whitespace.
376 # I don't want you to waste half hour to hours figuring out why you're getting
377 # corrupted data, so you're welcome.
378 Backup = EIProto.Backup()
379 Backup.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"].replace(" ", "+"))
380 if == 0:
381 print("Saved a modified Backup for next game load")
382 # Modify the permit level, force offer the backup
383 = 1
384 Backup.force_offer_backup = True
385 Backup.force_backup = True
386 cache[Backup.user_id] = Backup
387 elif subpath == "get_periodicals":
388 Periodicals = EIProto.GetPeriodicalsRequest()
389 Periodicals.ParseFromString(base64.b64decode(form["data"])
390 print(Periodicals)
391 else:
392 print(request.form)
393 return ""
396Lets load up the game. Nothing interesting seems to be happening yet - lets wait until we see the "Saved a modified Backup for next game load" message
397show up in the server console. Once this shows up, restart the game - you are presented with a popup that you are offered to load a
398Backup from server. Let's accept that.
400Now click on your silos, you have the Pro Permit for free.
402Now, it goes without saying, I do not condone piracy - the future versions of this game are very much guarded against this, rightfully so.
403If you attempt this in actual game servers, this is considered fraud and IS detectable by the developer (every IAP has a receipt, logically!).
405This version of the game is defunct as the protocol has changed quite a bit in the years since this version and additional anticheat
406measures have been added since. You cannot transfer this status (or even purchase what you just did) from this game version to the next.
408### Onto the PeriodicalsRequest
409This one is a bit more fun to delve into blindly - the proto spec wont help you much here. We will need to use our trusty RE tools again and delve into
410the game disassembly again.
412By public knowledge, we know there are server events for "Epic Research Sale", "Research Sale", "Drone Bonus" and "Prestige Boost". We can use this information to try
413and look at any potential leads in strings. Drone seems like a good canditate, lets look into that.
429This looks promising, right off the bat, first strings I'd check here are `r_icon_drone_rewards`, `b_icon_drone_boost`, `drone-boost` and `GENEROUS DRONES`.
431I inspected all 4 of them, and when I got to the final 2, I found the enum string translations used for event IDs - here they are extracted for game version 1.12.13
433piggy-boost (Rate piggy fills is increased.)
434piggy-cap-boost (UNLIMITED PIGGY;Gains are retained when event ends.)
435prestige-boost (PRESTIGE BOOST;Collect more soul eggs on prestige, you must prestige to take advantage of this event.)
436earnings-boost (CASH BOOST;Regular earnings are increased.)
437gift-boost (GENEROUS GIFTS;Boost applies to random gifts and video gifts.)
438drone-boost (GENEROUS DRONES;Drones will produce larger rewards.)
439epic-research-sale (EPIC RESEARCH SALE;Only applies to Epic Research.)
440vehicle-sale (VEHICLE SALE;Applies to all vehicles.)
441boost-sale (BOOST SALE;Applies to the gold price of boosts.)
442boost-duration (BOOST TIME+;Boosts last longer, you must start a boost during the event.)
444I recall there being a few more boosts, but this is useful for getting started with compositing PeriodicalsResponse with an active running event.
446### Putting together the response
447We have the enum, we have the names, descriptions, lets try to create a sample server event when the client enqueries about current server periodical events.
449 elif subpath == "get_periodicals":
450 # We don't actually need the information client sends us,
451 # we aren't verifying any stats about client in our server.
452 CurrentPeriodicals = EIProto.PeriodicalsResponse()
453 # In order to add items to a repeatable field in protobuf structure,
454 # we need to call .add() method on it
455 event =
456 # Refer to ei.proto - we are filling fields for EggIncEvent structure here.
457 event.type = "drone-boost"
458 event.multiplier = 5.00
459 event.subtitle = "Drones will produce larger rewards."
460 event.identifier = "GENEROUS DRONES"
461 event.seconds_remaining = 300.0
462 # Lets make it respond with a 5 minute event (this will re-arm itself when client calls
463 # for get_periodicals again every 6 minutes)
464 return base64.b64encode(CurrentPeriodicals.SerializeToString())
467Launch the server and observe as the client periodically calls this endpoint again, it will now receive a 5 minute 5x Drone Rewards boost on the game.
469## Created the Server - What now?
470We have now created a very basic server, which appropriately responds to a first contact, misuses the game backup feature to prove a point about weaknesses of
471trusting client in server. We also created a very basic server event, which always rearms itself to never expire.
473What do we do next?
475At this point, we can start dog-fooding the project. Lets start with whatever ball game throws at us as we progress.
477### Contracts
478As we progress the game and start performing prestiges, we unlock a feature called "Contracts" - but disaster strikes as we don't have any contracts we could
479accept. So far we still see our good friends `/ei/get_periodicals` and `/ei/save_backup` hammering the server at regular intervals.
481When we created the periodicals response payload, you might have noticed in the protobuf message an optional field called `ContractsResponse contracts`. Lets see
482what this ContractsResponse message contains.
485message ContractsResponse {
486 repeated Contract contracts = 1;
487 optional string warning_message = 4;
488 optional double server_time = 2;
489 optional uint32 max_eop = 3 [default = 1000];
493Notice there being an array of Contract messages right off the bat - lets find its message structure next:
496message Contract {
497 optional string identifier = 1;
498 optional string name = 9;
499 optional string description = 10;
500 optional Egg egg = 2;
502 repeated Goal goals = 3;
503 message Goal {
504 optional GoalType type = 1;
505 optional double target_amount = 2;
506 optional RewardType reward_type = 3;
507 optional string reward_sub_type = 4;
508 optional double reward_amount = 5;
509 optional double target_soul_eggs = 6;
510 }
512 repeated GoalSet goal_sets = 16;
513 message GoalSet {
514 repeated Goal goals = 1;
515 }
517 optional bool coop_allowed = 4;
518 optional uint32 max_coop_size = 5;
519 optional uint32 max_boosts = 12;
520 optional double minutes_per_token = 15 [default = 60];
521 optional double expiration_time = 6;
522 optional double length_seconds = 7;
523 optional double max_soul_eggs = 13;
524 optional uint32 min_client_version = 14;
525 optional bool debug = 11;
529We will need to do a bit of reading. Fortunately, the game has a community wiki, lets look into how contracts should work. I took an
530[older revision of Contracts wiki page from 2021]( and did some slight research.
532From what I gather, at one point, there was only one set of contract rewards, shared between everyone - then they created a system where
533beginners will get easier contract goals while more advanced players get harder contract goals.
535We can put two-and-two together here and infer that `repeated Goal goals` is the legacy contract system - where everyone was on equal footing
536and `repeated GoalSet goal_sets` is the *new* goal system that is split into Standard and Elite.
538We also learn that in future game versions, they completely reworked how contracts work *yet* again into a grading "bracket" system. Fortunately,
539we do not have to worry about that in our current target revision.
541Now to get the ball rolling, there is conveniently a starting point set ahead for us already. The developer of game intended to ease new players into
542contracts by creating a simple & easy contract called [Your First Contract](
544This page tells us all the information we need to compose our first Contract, so lets try to make one.
547 elif subpath == "get_periodicals":
548 # We don't actually need the information client sends us,
549 # we aren't verifying any stats about client in our server.
550 CurrentPeriodicals = EIProto.PeriodicalsResponse()
551 # [...]
552 Contract = CurrentPeriodicals.contracts.contracts.add()
553 Contract.identifier = "first-contract"
554 = "Your First Contract"
555 Contract.description = "We heard you are open to contract work! Help fill this order from the local pharmacy!"
556 Contract.egg = EIProto.Egg.MEDICAL
557 Contract.coop_allowed = False
558 Contract.minutes_per_token = 5
559 # Lets set expiry time to always be 3 days into future
560 Contract.expiration_time = time.time() + (3600.0 * 72.0)
561 Contract.length_seconds = 3600.0 * 4.0
562 # The wiki mentions that you cannot get this contract after you reach 5000 Soul Eggs
563 Contract.max_soul_eggs = 5000.0
564 # We should have the basic metadata set now, lets create the goalsets.
565 FirstSet = Contract.goal_sets.add()
566 Goal = FirstSet.goals.add()
567 # There is only one type of goal in this verison
568 Goal.type = EIProto.GoalType.EGGS_LAID
569 Goal.target_amount = 100000.0
570 Goal.reward_type = EIProto.RewardType.GOLD
571 Goal.reward_amount = 192
572 Goal = FirstSet.goals.add()
573 Goal.type = EIProto.GoalType.EGGS_LAID
574 Goal.target_amount = 500000000.0
575 Goal.reward_type = EIProto.RewardType.PIGGY_FILL
576 Goal.reward_amount = 10000
577 # Lets now add the Elite table, we can pretty much copy-paste the above here.
578 SecondSet = Contract.goal_sets.add()
579 Goal = SecondSet.goals.add()
580 Goal.type = EIProto.GoalType.EGGS_LAID
581 Goal.target_amount = 100000.0
582 Goal.reward_type = EIProto.RewardType.GOLD
583 Goal.reward_amount = 500
584 Goal = SecondSet.goals.add()
585 Goal.type = EIProto.GoalType.EGGS_LAID
586 Goal.target_amount = 500000000.0
587 Goal.reward_type = EIProto.RewardType.PIGGY_FILL
588 Goal.reward_amount = 10000
589 return base64.b64encode(CurrentPeriodicals.SerializeToString())
592Lets try that out in-game now - after waiting for a minute, we see our contract pop up, but I immediately noticed one thing amiss.
593The contract goals are swapped! I am getting Elite contract rewards for a Standard contract.
595This piece of information now tells us that the first entry in GoalSets refers to Elite rewards and the second entry in GoalSets to Standard rewards.
596After swapping the sets around, we now see a contract with the corrected rewards.
598I playtested it a bit and the contract worked as expected.
600Now, the above code could be a lot neater. For your homework, if you're not skipping to the public source release in the end, you should try to create
601a contract database and try scheduling them like the game originally did - a "Leggacy" contract every Friday and regular contracts showing up every 1-2 weeks
602for roughly 2 weeks.
604## Rootless SSL Unpinning + Endpoint URL patching
605Let's make the app not require a VPN or root privileges - let's make user CAs work and the endpoint URL something we control on the public net.
606Start off by pulling the following repository
608git clone
609python3 -m venv .venv
610source .venv/bin/activate
611pip install -r requirements.txt
612cp /path/to/your/apk .
613python3 egginc.apk --pause
616**NOTE!** IF you do not intend to patch the API endpoint and just want to proceed with AdAway redirecting traffic, you can stop here and press ENTER!
617Proceed only if you own a domain in your control (that is equal or less in length to and want to use the app without a VPN/redirection.
619Open a new terminal window, the script will wait for us to perform modifications, enter the created folder `egginc.apk-decompiled` and `lib`.
621We have two folders here now, `arm64-v8a` and `armeabi-v7a`, just as we saw when we pulled the .so file out of the apk earlier. Let's tackle
622the 64-bit build first.
624For arm64 build it was really simple to perform bytepatch on the said endpoint. We already know it's supposed to look as `G?` - let's probe the .so library a bit.
626$> hexdump -C | grep "" -A2 -B2
62700b02b40 cd cc 4c 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3f |..L?...........?|
62800b02b50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 ae 47 3f |..............G?|
62900b02b60 77 77 77 2e 61 75 78 62 72 61 69 6e 2e 63 6f 6d ||
63000b02b70 00 48 54 54 50 20 52 45 51 3a 20 25 64 00 64 61 |.HTTP REQ: %d.da|
63100b02b80 74 61 3d 00 65 69 2f 66 69 72 73 74 5f 63 6f 6e |ta=.ei/first_con
634We seem to have nothing blocking our way, let's create hex representations of `G?` and a target domain of equal length, for example `G?`.
636(Note: You can choose a shorter name as well, if you null-terminate the extra bytes as padding)
638$> echo "G?" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"'
640$> echo "G?" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"'
644Remove the trailing `0A` from end of both hex strings and now proceed as follows:
646# Place the source in first bracket of sed and the new URL at second bracket.
647hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' | sed "s/473F7777772E617578627261696E2E636F6D/473F656767732E62617365642E7175657374/g" | xxd -r -p >
650Huzzah! We now have a patched linked-library for the arm64 build. Let's also patch the 32-bit version.
652$> hexdump -C | grep "" -A2 -B2
6530087b770 69 67 68 5f 74 6f 6f 5f 6d 61 6e 79 5f 70 78 00 |igh_too_many_px.|
6540087b780 74 61 62 6c 65 74 5f 68 64 70 69 00 00 00 00 00 |tablet_hdpi.....|
6550087b790 77 77 77 2e 61 75 78 62 72 61 69 6e 2e 63 6f 6d ||
6560087b7a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 69 2f 66 69 72 73 74 |........ei/first|
6570087b7b0 5f 63 6f 6e 74 61 63 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |_contact........|
659This one lacks the `G?` prefix on API endpoint, but we still have null terminators we can rely on. Let's replace the `473F` from our previous strings with `0000`.
661# Place the source in first bracket of sed and the new URL at second bracket.
662hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' | sed "s/00007777772E617578627261696E2E636F6D/0000656767732E62617365642E7175657374/g" | xxd -r -p >
665Replace both of the files with the files. Move back to main terminal window and press ENTER.
667We now have a patched and debug signed apk for the game that isn't SSL pinned and contains a custom API endpoint we control without a VPN.
669## Conclusion so far
670We have created a (rather ugly looking) server emulator for the game. It functions, but it needs a lot of work still before we can call it ready.
671If you have followed this far, give yourself pat on the back - if you actually tried to run this code, give yourself an extra pat on the back.
673Before I give you the public source to the project, you might want to try your hand at creating a few more things.
674- "Cloud" save, present a Backup to any new device that just started playing.
675- Contracts Database and scheduler
676- Server Event scheduler
678I apologize if my method of documenting this has been messy, but that's also part of the chaos of reverse engineering, you are constantly learning new things
679about the project you are currently doing - refactoring becomes an essential part once you have documented the protocol to a comfortable degree.
681I won't give any promises for a part 2 any time soon, but I will be trying to make this feature complete, so without further ado, here are the git repository links:
682[](, [](;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;hb=refs/heads/master).
684Thank you for reading and making it all the way to the end,
685- Cernodile