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[web-hugo.git] / content / posts / deckpc-christmas-2022-update.md
1 ---
2 title: "DeckPC - Christmas 2022 Update"
3 date: 2022-12-18T17:20:00+02:00
4 description: "The long awaited sequel to my DeckPC experiment. I will attempt to give a conclusive rating to 'is it a de-facto PC replacement?'"
5 tags: ['steam', 'steamdeck', 'handheld', 'linux', 'deckpc']
6 type: blog
7 ---
9 It has been *a while* since the last word on my DeckPC experiment, I originally set myself the goal to see
10 if using Valve's Steam Deck as a regular Linux desktop with its preinstalled SteamOS environment is enough
11 to replace the need to use my otherwise power-hungry PC. I even left an "unresolved" case in the last blog
12 that never got a proper answer.
14 ## The resolved "unresolved"
15 Last time I noted that you are unable to use the offline password manager KeePassXC with any browsers in
16 SteamOS out of the gate without it staying persistent throughout updates. I am glad to say that just today,
17 before writing this article, I managed to get it working thanks to a suggestion by BieHDC to try out a project
18 called [distrobox](https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox). I simply created a new Arch Linux container with
19 `distrobox create -i archlinux -n sneed` and installed Firefox and KeePassXC in them with pacman. After installation
20 I created new desktop entries as such: `distrobox-export --app firefox` and `distrobox-export --app keepassxc`.
22 ## On topic of distrobox
23 I only have high praise for this solution - this has opened a huge window of customizability on otherwise
24 immutable filesystem. You are able to create rootless mutable environments where you can setup full build
25 toolchains or applications that otherwise would be wiped by a system update. It is genius in the approach
26 it takes and integrates with desktop itself. There are limitations to doing this rootless, but it is far
27 more elegant than struggling to resetup everything each update. For one, I was unable to get postmarketOS
28 pmbootstrap to work in a container due to it being unable to remount /proc and /dev.
30 ## The practicality
31 I wouldn't suggest going down this route for a non-technical person, but if you have the technical aptitude
32 on Linux and willingness, you can easily extend your capabilities on the Steam Deck without resorting to
33 the only available virtualization software Gnome Boxes (read: rebranded QEMU frontend).
34 I understand average Joe's unwillingness to step into this territory, but these kind of issues are more likely
35 to affect a poweruser than Joe.
37 ## Have you seriously used the Steam Deck for all this time?
38 Yes. A lot of the issues I would have brought up here have already been fixed by Valve. To give an example
39 of an issue that is fixed - you may recall me talking about flatpaks being unable to open any browser links
40 at all in the last post - that has been resolved about a month ago.
42 ## So, what's your take?
43 I absolutely love it, there are obvious hurdles for a beginner to look out for, but once you get the hang of
44 it, the Steam Deck can absolutely be a replacement for your PC if you can find a match for everything you use
45 on a regular basis. My experience so far has shown that if you are creative enough, you will find a solution.
46 There is inevitable tinkering ahead to get the best experience possible, but you absolutely can make it your own.
47 I conclude this experiment a huge success - I would recommend this to my technical friends and maybe less
48 demanding non-technical friends. I would be cautious about recommending it to absolutely everyone, though.
49 Every recommendation would have to be circumstancial - you most definitely can give your grandparents a laptop
50 with Linux Mint if all they do is browse the web, similar logic can be used with the Steam Deck. You can't however
51 claim this to be a PC replacement for someone who is stuck with Windows or Mac without any FOSS equilevant or
52 option to run their programs (e.g. broken in wine) and has no interest in ever tinkering with their system.
53 I will dare to say, however, Valve and KDE have done a spectacular job in bringing Linux closer to the layman
54 while also not completely offending the more experienced user. Flatpak solution, while not the best, is the most
55 elegant bridge we have for the time being.
57 ## tech tips pls
58 Sure, we have a few people already daily driving the Steam Deck as a PC replacement at based.quest Matrix chat. Be
59 sure to drop by and we will give you the training wheels to get started and help you even ride the bike over time.
61 ## TL;DR
62 Amazing for me, definitely a PC replacement for me, bunch of things fixed, recommend for technical folk,
63 cautious for less-technical.
65 Hope you enjoyed a quick status update on the DeckPC project, I accidentally burnt my dinner making this post :(
67 Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas,
68 - Cernodile