Not at all! Since blogit used markdown, the only annoyance was having to redefine preview image and the tags in header
instead of the footer, otherwise posts ported over fine without any issues. As for how I kept the old URLs valid, I made
use of [aliases in Hugo]( For example on my DeckPC Day-1
-post, I simply added a singl eine to the header: `aliases: ["/deckpc-day-one-experience.html"]`
+post, I simply added a single line to the header: `aliases: ["/deckpc-day-one-experience.html"]`
## How much faster is Hugo then?
If you ever wanted to create a minimal blog or website that has no
bloatware such as JavaScript and is statically generated, you can
now take inspiration and see how I created this website & blog at
- Cernodile